2025/1/7 エントリー開始 - Registration is now open! Entry

result: 2023

Held on Sunday, July 23, 2023

Weather on the race day

From data recorded by the Japan Meteorological Agency at the Shirataki Meteorological Observatory

latitude 43deg 51.9min north
longitude 143deg 9.2min east
altitude 475m

sunrise/sunset 3:59/19:02

Rates for finishers, etc.

DNS12 (%)16 (%)10 (%)1
Finishers96(89.7%)91 (85.8%)65 (100%)3 (100%)
time over1(0.9%)2 (1.9%)0
DNF11 (10.2%)15 (14.1%)00


60km Winner

men 7:07:30(Hisashi KITAMURA)
women 8:58:03(Moeko YASUGAHIRA)

40km Winner

men 4:51:09(Kazuhiro UESUGI)
women 5:25:25(Naho KOTANI)

15km Winner

men 0:57:36(Riku FUNAYAMA)
women女子 1:08:16(Yurie TANAKA)